Hi! This is Erica Doering and this month, we review Gag. A movie that was pretty much disgusting the whole way. The whole entire time it was like balls to the wall disgusting. To be honest with you, I thought it was too much gore. Too much, I mean just moment after Moment after moment the whole entire film is disgusting. There’s blood, there’s people eating blood there’s like people getting stabbed, and intestines are everywhere. There’s people being tortured in ways that you couldn’t have, wouldn’t have even imagined before. Like I felt, after I watched this movie I felt really dirty and disgusting. I felt like I somehow, I was going to be like a weird, like not a worse person but I felt just soiled You know what I mean? Just kinda gross inside and out and took a shower. That kinda gross.
The first 15 minutes are just like make you wanna fall asleep and are torture in their own way so to speak. I mean it’s tedious there’s a lot of close ups. Like painstakingly slow close ups. Then we go to following our two hero’s through this house. There’s no dialog it’s just more close-ups of these two guys. We have no idea who they are and they’re fumbling around in the darkness like a hallway and you kinda loose interest, I think.
It gets maybe 10 15 maybe 20 minutes into it that’s it starts to get a little more interesting. We start to see the really gory disgusting tortures scenes and that pretty much takes you all the way to the end of the movie the rest of the movie is just one scene after another after another these people being tourtured. Intestines being pulled out and people, right, like brothers and sisters are doing it and there’s poop involved then there’s guts and and people were eating glass and just like for the next two hours long there’s people being tortured every single second is spent being more disgusting then the last. If that is believable I mean it is it I just I couldn’t I can’t imagine how this guy thought up this discussing stuff he came up with.
I guess to be fair I’ll say there were a couple things about it we’re good. first of all I know it’s a low budget movie but the lighting was really well done it looks good most of the movie, the art department looks very good you can tell they’re working with a low budget but it’s not just cheesy looking. They do a good job set dressing kind of making everything creapy and grungy and and believable and they have a lot of like S&M outfits and stuff like that I guess So you know they really went all out in terms of art department so that was good, and it made it more enjoyable to watch and you know, it just looked better so that’s good but other than that It’s still disgusting
so I’m Erica Doering for IHN see you later