All posts in "Hollywood News"

Hollywood Became What it Hates

Did you see the headlines? The Mummy remake was a bomb. Hollywood decided to take an icon of horror cinema, put a blockbuster action star in it, and turn it into an action film. This made horror fans stay away, and action fans stay away. Did they really think it would be a hit? Hollywood […]


Why Does The New Ghostbusters Look So Bad?

There has been a lot of talk about the new Ghostbusters movie. The first trailer has the dubious distinction of being the most disliked video in youtube history. (at the time of writing, the trailer has 864,000 dislikes, and only 248,000 likes) And let’s be honest, the trailer sucked. But why? Well first, let’s talk […]


And the World Lost a Prince

Today, I awoke to see the sad news that the Artist Formerly Known as Prince had passed away. To be honest, I was never a big fan of his music. I was into a different genre. However, I do play guitar now and then, and sometimes consider myself a musician, so I could appreciate Prince’s […]