Satanic serial killers Alister (Dakota Bailey ) & Bubba ( Matt Marshall) get more when they bargained for when they have an acid trip and meet Satan himself, and the two of them decide to go on a reign of terror in this brutal short film that features murder, digging up corpses, burning corpses with blow torches, psychedelic Satanism, anti-religion, heavy metal & more!
What I Thought
This short film is equal parts stream of consciousness, shitty youtube reality show, snuff film, and hesher wet dream. The audio cutting in and out, bad visuals, and horrid editing made every bit of sense in my head scream “Shut this garbage off!”, but I couldn’t do it. I had to take this journey to its completion. Something inside of me couldn’t turn away. I still am not sure why. I may be a worse person for having watched this all the way through. At the very least, I am 19 minutes older… Take a look, and let us know in the comments below what you think.
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Dakota Bailey as Alister
Matt Marshall as Bubba
Written & Directed by: Dakota Bailey
Produced by: Dakota Bailey
Edited by: Dakota Bailey
Music by Cattliest